As part of our Somatic & Expressive Therapies (SET), Dance/movement therapy (DMT) uses movement to explore emotional, cognitive, physical and social integration.
Sessions create a space for individuals to explore their feelings through their bodies which can lead to emotional releases or insights that may be hard to access through verbal communication alone.
Depending on individual goals, DMT can be short or long term, it can be the key therapy or as a supporting modality to talking therapies.
Dance movement therapy creates an enactive space to embody different ways of being and increase the window of tolerance. The therapist supports participants by moving with them in reciprocal improvisation using mirroring and rhythmic movement. Participants strengthen their mind-body connection and achieve mastery, leading to a stronger sense of identity, increased self-efficacy and self-esteem.
Common outcomes include improved emotional regulation, organisational and decision making skills, increased expressive capacity or control, ability to self-motivate, reduced anxiety, a clearer sense of purpose and improved quality of life.
Group sessions also foster a feeling of belonging and increased social skills.
How can DMT improve mental wellbeing?:
Effective Expression:
Expression of emotions through movement and creativity can be an emancipatory experience. Exploring the self through movement empowers participants to discover their individual identities.
Increase Self-Awareness:
Activation of body parts and exploration of range of movement increases the awareness of the body in space. This can be expanded to consider awareness of self in the world.
Strengthen the Mind-Body Connection:
Achieve mastery over emotions by connecting them with movement. Understand the possibilities of being through exploration of movement.
Increase Self Efficacy:
Mirroring movements, leading others in movement, creating and remembering sequences builds confidence.
Build Connection:
Dancing with others builds reciprocal relationships fostering the feeling of belonging within the group. This helps with confidence when interacting in the wider community.
● Individual sessions
● Brief therapy (single session model)
● Group sessions